
I haven’t been taking the proper amount of my allotted time off, so I’ve banished myself this week and next week from my job. I have several pounds of sketchbooks to scan, and the pile has been accruing in the corners of my home since at least 2015 or so.

In general, I really love my job because it’s been historically stable. It scratches my itch to complete several relatively simple small tasks during the day, occasionally interrupted by communication and collaboration with my peers. This year, things took a turn for the unexpected when I took on a more communication and accountability-based role, which made it nigh on impossible to get small tasks done, because the communication portion overwhelmed me to the point of exhaustion.

I’m generally the sort of person who likes engaging with people, but when the work transformed from me building all of my own things and being able to speak to them end to end, to just being responsible for them when something went wrong and sometimes presenting them, the joy just drained out of me. Me simple man. Me want complex data entry and simple light communication needs.

It’s 62 degrees out in November and I miss the cat I lost.

But at least I have vacation time, the sun is going to go down and it’ll be 47 degrees, and we got another cat, and she’s a sweetheart.

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